A Self-Paced Course On Everything You Need to Know About Remote Teaching and Learning
Remote Learning... It can seem impossible. It can be overwhelming. And, yet, it can be authentic, engaging, and impactful.
Over the years I've worked in all kinds of remote learning environments, and have been an instructional coach to many that have made the jump into remote and hybrid learning.
Every situation is different, but through it all there are some key approaches, strategies, tools, and actions educators can take to thrive in remote learning.
That's why I created this course. The purpose of this course is to give you tools and strategies to teach students in multiple settings. The ideas and lessons shared within this course can be easily used in a remote, in-person, or hybrid classroom setting. These are designed for teachers in all K-12 schools and it is not subject specific.
Let's do this, together, and thrive even in remote learning!
About Your Instructor: Carl Hooker
Mr. Hooker has been a part of a strong educational shift with technology integration since becoming an educator. From his start as a teacher to his role as a district technology leader, he’s always had one common belief – that kids need to drive their own learning. He realizes the challenges in our current educational institutions and meets them head on. His unique blend of educational background, technical expertise, and humor make him a successful driving force for this change. As a speaker and consultant, he brings this background as well as a wealth of practical tools and ideas that educators can use in their schools and classroom tomorrow.
Carl’s 6-book series Mobile Learning Mindset has become the go-to series for any district looking to effectively integrate technology into their schools. Each book has a different audience – from parent to IT to district leader to teacher, the goal is to have a common language for all stakeholders.
Everything You Need To Be Successful in Remote and Hybrid Teaching
Videos and Resources From a Leader in the Field
Learn directly from and with Carl Hooker. Carl's years inside schools teaching, leading, and coaching remote and digital environments shine through every video and resources in this course. Go back again-and-again to lessons jam-packed with practical information.
A Focus On Learning and Our Students
The tools, resources, lessons, and strategies inside this course are all centered on the student experience.
We know it can be tiring to jump from in-person, to remote, to hybrid at a moment's notice. The tools and resources provided allow you to be nimble in any learning environment.
From instruction, to assessment, and everything in-between, this course will help you build better relationships and learning experiences for kids.
Modules Filled With Practical Ideas, Strategies, and Resources
While many educators will go through this course from start to finish, almost everyone will come back and use it as a reference for teaching now and in the future. The lessons are easy to understand and apply, and they go across grade level and subject areas.